
Align with Core Values of KOBELCO

Embrace KPTec Mission Statement

Live KPTec Values

Leverage Self-Directed Work Team (SDWT)

Do 3A

Kaizen(Continuous Improvement)

Have Passion for   Excellence
Engage in Continuous   Development


Respect for Each Other
Be Honest and Responsible


Work Together towards   Common Goals
Take Part in Team   Activities


Take Ownership
Learn and Practice what   we Learned


Practice Clear and Simple   Communication
Ask Questions to   Understand
KPTec Home > Careers > Words from Employees
Words from Employees
Program Director

Joined KPTec as Operations Manager in early 2002. Currently, as a Process Engineering Director, I lead the Front-End and Back-End Process Engineering.

My main role is to enable KPTec to meet the technical challenges arising from new product and process requirements from our customers and the ever changing market needs and demands.

I am happy to be a KPTec employee as KPTec is a wonderful place to work in. The management team works very well together and the support given to the staff is unwavering and gets stronger day by day as the challenges (internal and external) continue to mount. The organization’s open communication policy and the successful establishment of SDWT are instrumental in helping our people do excellent work.

Industrial Nurse

Besides having worked as a Staff Nurse in the hospital for several years, I have good experience in the field of industry working as an Occupational Health Nurse for many years.

In 2006, I was given the opportunity and took challenge to set up the Health Care Services in KPTec. I feel a great sense of accomplishment not only for this achievement but also because KPTec is the place where I have been given the opportunity to demonstrate my other abilities by participating in various team based activities. Eventhough, my profession is a nurse, I am not confined to my own work area only, but I interact and work together with different levels of people. I feel important to be given the responsibility in handling other tasks which are not directly related to my nursing profession.

I always feel that KPTec will be my last organization. I will be working until my retirement as I enjoy the work culture here.

Front-End Operations Manager

Started my career in KPTec as a QA Engineer and after 2 years, moved up to become IDOD Lathe Section Manager. Currently, leading Front-End process engineering which involved in process improvement and new product transferring.

Working in KPTec has been very challenging since day one. The varied experiences in different departments have added value to me in my personal and career development. KPTec believes and executes people development with comprehensive training and learning programs such as EEC (Engineering Enhancement Competency), leadership skills etc.

KPTec offers us plenty of opportunities to learn and grow, provided that we have the enthusiasm for and are always prepared for these opportunities, we will develop very quickly.

Operations Engineer

Has a Degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). Joined KPTec as Graduate Engineer in July 2012 under the Graduate Engineer Training Program and I had performed well during this training period. With my high enthusiasm to work in KPTec, I was successful and joined KPTec as Operations Engineer in December 2012. It is always a great opportunity to me to work with KPTec.

Here, my main role is to meet production indicators such as yield, productivity, people compliance, ensure effective cost and waste control. Even it is not an easy task, with some guidance from senior staff and my colleagues, I aware that I can improve myself progressively in handling and tackling some operational issues.

KPTec give me a lot of opportunity to grow in term of technical and soft skills. Furthermore, ODT(Organizational Development & Training Department) also established Fresh-Graduates Program which help me a lot as this program covers basic knowledge(technical and soft skills) and exposure in real working life that I cannot acquired during my study at university. These proper training has developed me to be more confident and competent in doing my daily roles and responsibilities as Operations Engineer.